
Showing posts from December, 2020
MERRY Christmas and Happy BIRTHDAY to the one and only Eliza Bennett!! What a stud! Well this week was pretty fire! We were visiting la Familia Castillo a lot this week and we had a noche de hogar with them on Monday! It was so fun! We played a game where you make animal sounds and you have to figure out who is making the sound. And we all walked out of there and just noticed that a light had been brought into their lives thanks to the gospel. It has been so amazing to see their journey!  Then we had zone/mission conference this week and we had a competition to see who could touch their car first and get back to the call and well we live on the third story of an apartment building but that did not stop us from trying! And Sister Ensign shared a christmas story and it was beautiful how when we make the effort to serve others we can touch people's lives in unimaginable ways!  Christmas Eve and Christmas were super chill. We did get to teach a lesson to Betty which was awesome an...

Last Christmas

Last Christmas I gave you my heart and the very next day you gave it away. This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special! I invite you to listen to this song now on to more important things lol We started a sub 5 in 5 weeks program which means sub mile but we only went to the track twice but I ran a 5:08 so I'm close we'll get there! And had service again! I love the Good Neighbor House it is just so fun to so service! And we cleared people's windows one morning which was fun! and the town center has christmas trees that are synchronized with christmas music! It was so cool! This week was solid! We get to go to the house of the Family Castillo everyday! And we had a member visit with Presdient and sister Grajeda and they are just Studs! Everything they said was exactly what the family needed to hear! We have also gotten good at making little cardboard cutouts for lessons.  Then we got to make a fun light the world video with one of the members. We also...

The cheese balls

Buenísimo! Como están todos? Son capos!! So for cheese balls we got three whole cans of it for service. We did some trick shots with them lol. Then to the week let's see what happened. We had some awesome service at the Good Neighbor house! It is always fun and go there! And then Elder Stephens is a stud. He likes to run too so that is always dope! And there were some ups and downs but we keep going!  Then the lessons! We had some awesome lessons with Antonia y Ester. They are just studs! Keep praying for them and their family! We taught them about prophets and had an awesome lesson with Hermana Sandavol about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is so cool to see a light come into people's lives as they learn to embrace the gospel! Then just want to say get outside go live in those outdoors they are pretty cool! We also had another lesson with Juan Robert! Now he is a stud he has some questions but the Book of Mormon is it! The lessons with him you can tell he feels the spirit! He h...


Well this week was pretty good. We had a mission wide zoom conference with Sister and Elder Funk which was super cool. The last day we talked about the talk letting God Prevail in our life which was awesome! One of the footnotes talks about the Abrahamic test meaning to let him truly prevail may not at all times seem the easiest but it truly brings the greatest blessings.  Also had some awesome lessons with Antonia y Ester this week and they are so ready and now the whole family is getting ready to be baptized! And the Juan Robert! This guy is awesome! Teaching him the Book of Mormon has shown me how truly important it is because it guides us through a somewhat confusing world! And you know just keep going.  One morning it snowed so for excercise time we just cleaned off all the windows of cars and that was actually hype! SERVICE RULES! And we had transfers and well I'm staying here in Gold ol Dayton Ohio and me and Elder Mitchell are training Elder Stephens who was originally...