The cheese balls

Buenísimo! Como están todos? Son capos!! So for cheese balls we got three whole cans of it for service. We did some trick shots with them lol.

Then to the week let's see what happened. We had some awesome service at the Good Neighbor house! It is always fun and go there! And then Elder Stephens is a stud. He likes to run too so that is always dope! And there were some ups and downs but we keep going! 

Then the lessons! We had some awesome lessons with Antonia y Ester. They are just studs! Keep praying for them and their family! We taught them about prophets and had an awesome lesson with Hermana Sandavol about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is so cool to see a light come into people's lives as they learn to embrace the gospel! Then just want to say get outside go live in those outdoors they are pretty cool! We also had another lesson with Juan Robert! Now he is a stud he has some questions but the Book of Mormon is it! The lessons with him you can tell he feels the spirit! He has been looking for a long time for the true church and well here we go!! Y que mas jaja. We taught Sara another english lesson and she wants to come to church so that us straight hype! And learned that Alexander Romero got baptized! (He is a kid from Argentina) so that is hype! Umm I also ran some more and yeah lol

Spiritual Thought:

This week what I thought was really cool was the thought being a light and an example. We must radiate the light of Christ to others. In 3 Nephi 12:14-16 it talks about being a light to others to glorify our father in heaven! And no matter where you are you can being to bring Christ's light into your life. I invite you all to read The Hope of God's light by Dieter F Uchtdorf in April 2013. Do not compare where you are with others but simply begin the Journey. Follow Christ, live his teachings and love them! Go LIGHT THAT WORLD

Love you all Studs!

Las Fotos

Cheese balls

Drawing of Christ
