
Showing posts from March, 2021

A lot Chalk

BUEN DÍA A TODOS! This week was solid to say the least. We got to have exchanges with the Spanish Leaders and played some munchkin which is always fun. Then we got Graters this week and it is so good!! So awesome!! Also had to get another covid test it did come back negative don't even stress. Now to the good stuff. So we have been in this area for 10 weeks and you can only call sp many people so we decided to go chalking! So fun! We draw these huge pictures of Christ and then write our number below. You have to be creative during these Covid times. Then we got to make a video with the Arnold family. That was so fun!! It was fun to see all of the farm animals too lol. I held a duck! Ducks are awesome! We are going to get 2 pies thrown in our face lol due to missionary Bingo. And we got Rick to church again!! Everyone pray for him as he prays about baptism!! Then we had interviews with President which is always awesome! I love talking to him he is just the nicest person ever! We are...


It was a fun week! We went down to Cincinnati and it was raining so we found these metal slides and were seeing how fast we could go on them lol. Then also our whole district buzzed our heads for zone conference. So there's that. Then zone conference was awesome! And the Sister training Leaders gave an awesome training. They talked about coming to know our Savior Jesus Christ! Our relationship with him is what brings light in this world! He is there for you at all times even if you sometimes feel alone. Then we got to teach Rick again!! He is starting to Church and loves it! This week Brother Decker gave an awesome talk on asking for help! It is not a virtue to suffer in silence. Asking for help is how miracles happen! We become vulnerable and it shows God we are humble enough to let him into our lives. Also go watch some of those inspirational videos on the Gosepl Library app they are just the best!! My favorite is the like a broken vessel video. Then this week we got all of the a...


Wild Week! We had spanish leader exchanges I seem to be getting good at basketball again. And we had zone leader exchanges that was super fun! Me and Elder Bell got to teach a lesson together and it was so awesome! We taught a returning member!  This week we have also been starting to play missionary bingo with everyone! The very first day we started it one of the families gave out a Book of Mormon it was awesome! And the Minson family is determined to whip cream pie us which will be fun. Then the miracle of the week! We are teaching someone named Rick and he has really started to open up and we got him to zoom church! He then texted us after and thanked us for inviting him. Then the best part! The speakers spoke about where is your perspective and that it needs to be centered on Christ and then spoke about how Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings down on us and only our umbrella of fear, doubt and sin is what blocks it. And so Rick then said at our next visit he will no...

Los traslados

This week was a solid one. We did have transfers and me and Elder Adams are staying and we got Elder Hoopes which is fun. They are both going to Concepcion Sur which is wild. Then we will see what happened this past week. We had some exchanges which are always fun with some Elders. Elder Marion is a stud! And can almost dunk which is awesome!  We also got Carl back to church!! Yes! Carl is awesome! Then called a do not contact person to see what would happen and we got a lesson scheduled which is awesome jaja. And we just met with a lot of members this week! Brother Parsons is a stud! Most happy and humble man ever! And just loves Christ with all of his heart! Then best lesson this week was with Carlie! We taught her about baptism and the blessings that come from it and it was just awesome! We invited her to be baptized and she said yes and is just praying if she should get baptized here or when she goes down to Florida in the summer so YEET!  Also got to run this week which w...