
Wild Week! We had spanish leader exchanges I seem to be getting good at basketball again. And we had zone leader exchanges that was super fun! Me and Elder Bell got to teach a lesson together and it was so awesome! We taught a returning member! 

This week we have also been starting to play missionary bingo with everyone! The very first day we started it one of the families gave out a Book of Mormon it was awesome! And the Minson family is determined to whip cream pie us which will be fun. Then the miracle of the week! We are teaching someone named Rick and he has really started to open up and we got him to zoom church! He then texted us after and thanked us for inviting him. Then the best part! The speakers spoke about where is your perspective and that it needs to be centered on Christ and then spoke about how Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings down on us and only our umbrella of fear, doubt and sin is what blocks it. And so Rick then said at our next visit he will not bring his Umbrella to the next visit!!!! We were all hyped! 

Also both my comps are going to Chile on April 1st so we will see what happens in this area lol. Then we headed down to Cincinnati for PDAY!

In 3 Nephi 11:3-5 it talks about a voice speaking to the people. And not until they did look steadfastly at where the voice came did they here it. I love this. We must turn to Christ. He is always there. The People heard the voice 3 times until they understood it. God will not stop calling to us and will not stop loving us. In 2 Nephi 26:33 he says all are unlike unto him. We are all invited to come unto Christ. He loves us all so much anxieties, insecurities, mistakes, flaws and all. He is not frustrated but waiting patiently and helping us in each faith filled step. 

If you ever need anything let me know! Have a good week studs!
