Hay que montar en bici
Esta semana estuvo tan bueno! I won't lie good does not mean I love everyday lol. It means that I continue to get better with mental health and we are working hard! We had an awesome lesson with Mike and Tina and they are just meeting so many members and they asked us to have a testimony meeting this next week and they are making coconut curry so YEET! Then we met with Rick and he said he felt this peace that he couldn't describe while reading 3 Nephi 11! I was just smiling the whole freaking time!! Then we got to street contact and that is just awesome! Sometimes I get nervous and pass up some people then I'm like no we have to go back so I make my comp turn around and we go talk to them. HAY QUE HABLAR CON TODOS!! SIN HABLAR NADA PASARÁ! Then we met James and Jessica super cool people! Gave us a water bottle it was our saving grave. Some guy talked to us about Brigham Young and he called him a gangster (in a good way lol) so we will see what happens in our next meeting lo...