I love cicadas
So if you haven't seen cicadas go look them up they are awesome! They taste like stale chex lol. Then if you need fun facts please talk to the Abby Bennett!
Now this was a solid week! We have been able to do some street contacting again and so I try to get out as much as possible! It is awesome! We met this one guy who talked about nuclear missiles for awhile which was wild. Then the mask mandate is lifted here. It is very weird. It doesn't seem real lol. And we met Amanda this week! She is one of Brother Parsons' friends and he was like just come on over she is here right now and she just asked us all of these awesome questions! It was so awesome! And then awesome district council! It is always awesome to testify of the love of the Savior to anyone and everyone. And we can also eat with members if there is a missionary opportunity which is actually motivating the members here which is so awesome!! Then we played some frisbee golf which was fun. Had another lesson with Mike and Tina. He wants to move his date back :( everyone pray that Tina will gain a testimony as well. And you are all Studs! Hope you all know that! Oh and in sacrament meeting a mid bore his testimony on a near death experience and testified that he saw the Spirit World I was in shock it was so cool!
Spiritual Thought:
I was reading in Moses this week and I love when it talks about the creation. Because he divided the light and darkness and sometimes we believe darkness as bad. But then he says the darkness is night. Now I believe the night is amazing! All the stars and how peaceful it is. There is beauty in the darkness as we learn to see the world as God sees it. Love you hope you an awesome week and me know if I can every help in any way
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