

I'm pretty sure that is how you say how are you in kreol which is cool! And I believe pacu or at least that is how it is pronounced is goodbye in Russian.  Well this week was awesome! Full of Miracles! We had to take Rick off of date but he is still meeting with us and is making a friendship with Brother Dalziel which is awesome! And then Mike and tina came to church and we found a member that will be an awesome friend for Tina! It is exciting!! And we celebrated the birthday of Elder Brinkerhoff and Tina on the same day so cake and icecream!! YEET!! Then the chapel tour is looking good! Which will be super exciting! HAY QUE INVITAR A TODOS! It is going to be really fun! God has already given us some small miracles as we have been planning it. Extra tickets, being able to find fabric, just amazing! Then we met Tarry this week and he is just the nicest person ever! I could talk to him forever! I made my comps go street contacting after a lesson canceled. They probably think I'm ...

Just work!

Yes please everyone! Especially missionaries reading this please work!! I think working is a way we really show we believe because our life is a symbol of our worship to God. If we really love him then we will follow his commandments! And as a missionary if we love Christ we will work! Sorry just a little rant that was needed Now this week was pretty good! We got all of the chapel tour tickets all printed out! And we handed them out to a bunch of members. You need to have your airplane ticket to Paradise! Then we had a really awesome lesson with Mike and Tina! Tina still wants to look for another church but she loves talking to us because of the joy she feels! It was so awesome! It is cool how through the spirit you really seem to draw closer and love people more! Then with Rick!! What a miracle!! Brother Dalziel called with us and became like instant best friends with Rick! We have someone on the inside now lol. Just kidding it is really awesome to see how as we show love to other peo...

A Good Week

  I'm very original thank you very much. But it was indeed a good week! We now have 6 elders in our ward because one got ET'd into the area. He is a cool guy. Then this week we had some awesome lessons!!  The first one was with James and Jessica! Yess!!! James just loves coming to church and he is really excited to read the Book of Mormon as he is excited to change! He's like I know I can put my life back in order I really feel like it is possible now! I love him! They weren't able to come to church unfortunately because of a wedding ring fiasco :( Then with the one and only Rick! Now we taught him Jehovah was Jesus Christ which is make or break and he said it really made sense!! We talked about living prophets and how all scripture testifies of Christ! It was awesome! He is just such a kind and thoughtful man. And we made him cookies for an excuse to see him in person. Then we had some exchanges this week which are always fun. And we are planning this super fun chapel ...

We have a business call tomorrow

Yeah we contacted some people in Target and they in return contacted us and what to talk about their business with us over zoom lol. Little do they know they are going to get preached to! YEET! Then we are just grinding! Hay que trabajar aful!!  What else happened... we met with James and Jessica on a whim but they love having us over and are so nice!! And they came to church!!! It was just so awesome! They loved it so much! Even came to the 2nd hour! Then we got to Rick to come! That made my day! I have had phone calls with him for 6 months and he came he finally came! Never give up on anyone!  We got to eat with some members this week which was fire! Just so amazing! And MIKE SAID HE KNEW THE BOOK OF MORMON WAS TRUE!! YES!!! LET'S GO!  Hope you all know God loves you all so much! Spiritual Thought: We all love the Isaiah chapters of 2 Nephi am I right? What's cool is he continues to quote these chapters as comfort for him and his people because Jerusalem, their chosen l...

Hay que montar en bici

Esta semana estuvo tan bueno! I won't lie good does not mean I love everyday lol. It means that I continue to get better with mental health and we are working hard! We had an awesome lesson with Mike and Tina and they are just meeting so many members and they asked us to have a testimony meeting this next week and they are making coconut curry so YEET! Then we met with Rick and he said he felt this peace that he couldn't describe while reading 3 Nephi 11! I was just smiling the whole freaking time!! Then we got to street contact and that is just awesome! Sometimes I get nervous and pass up some people then I'm like no we have to go back so I make my comp turn around and we go talk to them. HAY QUE HABLAR CON TODOS!! SIN HABLAR NADA PASARÁ! Then we met James and Jessica super cool people! Gave us a water bottle it was our saving grave. Some guy talked to us about Brigham Young and he called him a gangster (in a good way lol) so we will see what happens in our next meeting lo...

I love cicadas

So if you haven't seen cicadas go look them up they are awesome! They taste like stale chex lol. Then if you need fun facts please talk to the Abby Bennett! Now this was a solid week! We have been able to do some street contacting again and so I try to get out as much as possible! It is awesome! We met this one guy who talked about nuclear missiles for awhile which was wild. Then the mask mandate is lifted here. It is very weird. It doesn't seem real lol. And we met Amanda this week! She is one of Brother Parsons' friends and he was like just come on over she is here right now and she just asked us all of these awesome questions! It was so awesome! And then awesome district council! It is always awesome to testify of the love of the Savior to anyone and everyone. And we can also eat with members if there is a missionary opportunity which is actually motivating the members here which is so awesome!! Then we played some frisbee golf which was fun. Had another lesson with Mike...