Welp it has been an awesome week! So many cool things are happening here it is awesome!
So my new comps are Elder Jones and Elder Adams. They are super cool both are from Arizona and are pretty new to the mission but both love the work. Elder Adams is so funny! Love the guy lol. Elder Jones is really big on working out so we all have workout goals for this transfer lol. We even got to go on a run it was awesome!! We love running!
Then into the week! My first day here we had a lesson with Beatrice Meyers. She is super sweet and we have a member helping us who is such a stud. He is such a good teacher! And we starting calling everyone up and found some awesome people. We met a girl named Carlie and I have never met anyone so ready to hear the gospel! She loves prayer so much and that we can talk with our Heavenly Father! It is so cool! She even came to church! And she loves that we had Prophets hoy en dia!
We also met the Lancasters. The husband knows a lot about the Bible. I learned I'm really bad at discussing without sounding like I'm arguing. But I will have to get better at that. They are so nice though. And even though we are in a Spanish area we do not teach a lot of Spanish people and we are in a Spanish ward so it's fun lol. We are teaching some awesome English Classes.
Then the ward here is super cool too. We get fed so much lol. And we visited the Hohmann's this week and they are awesome! We shared the Because of Him video and I invite all of you to watch it. Christ is everything! I just love that video so much. Also the Steinmetzs (the man pretty much built his whole house!) What studs.
Spiritual Thought:
I want to talk about a talk called Wrestling with Comparisons by JB Haws. I invite all of you to read it it is a BYU Devotional. It it he mentions the discussion between Alma and Korihor. And Korihor says that every man prospereth according to his own genius and conquer according to his strength. And this statement is so false! We know so many factors play a part in our life but also this denies Christ. Christ and his atonement makes it possible for us to change and to grow. Moroni invites us to "come unto Christ and be perfected in him" - we need to learn to rely on Christ because through him is how we grow and Christ is where we find strength and hope.
Love all you Studs!
Las Fotos
1 - the trio on a run
2 - the castillos!!
3 - the old district
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