1st week in the field!
Ok I haven{t been able to write in a coupe of days and so much has happened! I made it Nequen Argentina!!! It was raining so much in buenos aires and everyone was so tired and then we found out we had a 3rd flight instead of a bus ride. In the airport everyone fell asleep it was so funny. When we got to the misión home most of us were running on 8 hours of sleep in like 3 days. So we me tour trainers or our padres lol! My trainer is Elder Wood he is so freaking cool! He is from Farmington, Utah. After we meto ut trainers we went to a hotel and just chilled. I met a bunch of other missionaries and then went to bed.
Here we come first day in the field! We got up and had to take a 4 hour bus ride to my área. Choele Choel!!!! It is the most east part of the misión. I freaking love it here! PS the bus was so nice! Immediately off the bus we were talking to people. Everyone once in awhile I start the contact and usually Elder Wood has to come in and sabe me but I still love it! We talk to everyone on the Street and I love it! I need to keep practicing so my spanish gets better. The Argentinian accent rules! I can{t understand that well, mostly cause everyone speaks so fast, but it rules! I also forgot that mi and mi companion got White washed. Which means we are both new to the área. It{s actually super cool! You just got to have faith and work as hard as you can. We taught a lesson on the first day to Mikayla, Eugenia, and Valentina. Valentina y Eugenia have been baptized but Mikayla has not. They are all so cool and so nice! I freaking love the people here. We taught about prayer and asked Mikayla to pray about what we have said. Then we just set up a couple more persons and Elder Wood literally taught the whole first lesson to Monica, someone we met while walking home.
The second day in the field! It was insane we set up 8 baptismal dates. 5 of those people we were teaching were on the first lesson. Elder Wood just says he goes with the spirit and it is awesome and I know it is true cause I can feel the spirit in every lesson! We also gave a recent convert, Cloudia, a blessing. I probably screamed, [I love Choele Choel[ or [Me encanta la obra![ 10 times over the course of the day. We also tauhgt Antonelli and Jimena english cause they were working on it at school. I really do love this work so much! I can{t believe how lucky I am to get to serve a misión! Just gotta work hard everyday cause the grind never stops! LETS{S GET IT BABY!!
Another good day! I woke up from a dream and lowkey forgot I was on a misión lol. I was also so tired but grind never stops! We left our pension early today because Elder Wood had an impression we needed to and we ended up finding a member who needed a blessing! Elder Wood is so cool I love how he is so in tune with the spirit! Then we taught so many people today and Elder Wood keeps giving me more responsibility in teaching. And I LOVE IT! I{ll admit, it isn{t always the smoothest thing ever but people seem to get the message. Because every speaks the langauge of the spirit! We even got another baptismal date today, Maxi! A guy we met in the Plaza today! Then we had to take a taxi home cause we taught a lesson to Rosio, Gustavo and Teresa late. Teaching is so much fun even if my langauge isn{t too hot. But some members helped me practice today. Valentina played us some Billie Eilish )I think that{s how you spell it lol=. I{m slowly getting better at castallano and I LOVE CHOELE CHOEL!
Conference weekend!! I love it! Today was so good. We contacted in the morning and where we were contacting there were Jehovah witnesses preaching. It was funny because it was like a maze to get to the house we wanted. Then we got some Argentinian pizza before conference! It was so good )the one that wasn{t covered in ham lol=. I love conference being able to here the words of living prophets is so cool! My favorite was the one by Michelle Craig on following the promptings of the spirit. Then after conference we visted families asking them to come to conference. And in one of our contacts I accidentally said I liked Argentina for the girls )The guy said Pivas not personas lol=. ME ENCANTA LA OBRA!
GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! Oh my gosh it was so good! And of course Uchtdorf killed it! Also man did anyone else get shivers from the annoucement for next conference_ And I got to see my dad in the choir! What a legend! I{m pretty much a legend among the 4 elders in our district lol. Then we had 4 investigadores comes to conference today! Rocio, Teresa, Gustavo and Hermano Lezcano. Me and Elder Wood were so hyped when they walked in. Teresa said this would not be her last time at church too! Then no one is ever outside on Sundays so we had to clap houses for a Little bit. And we met this one lady who spoke super good english!
Spiritual ThoughtÑ My spiritual thought this week is about the talks in conference. A lot of the talks were about charity. We have tol ove God and love our neighbors. Love them for exactly who they are. Also everyone read the Book of Mormon! We can come closer to God and Christ by simply Reading the book of mormon everyday! And everyday do something that will help you strive to becoming more like christ. Love you all! I love this work!
1 - Me in our 4th airport of the day
2 - My casa
3 - General Conference crew (The one on the left is my companion)
4 - Some Mate and Cake we made
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