Había mucho nieve
Hi World! Hope you all had an awesome week! This week was pretty solid! Something funny that happened was we accidentally planned a lesson with a member from Arizona and well we weren't able to get down there but she sent us food lol. I haven't had starbursts in so long! They are so good! I invite you all to eat some tropical starbursts this week. Also we got so much snow this week which was awesome! (I was nervous as my companion drove lol) and my companion posted in a local group chat and we were everywhere! It was fun to get out and do some service! Then we had exchanges this week and we got to invite Wilmington 2 elders in on a Spanish lesson! It was so awesome! Then we were able to have an awesome lesson with the YSA sisters and Carlie!! It was so awesome! We talked about how Christ changed us through the atonement and the people who found true joy were the ones who had changed. Paul is such a good example. He wasn't the best before lol and then gave up his wealth an...