
Showing posts from February, 2021

Había mucho nieve

 Hi World! Hope you all had an awesome week! This week was pretty solid! Something funny that happened was we accidentally planned a lesson with a member from Arizona and well we weren't able to get down there but she sent us food lol. I haven't had starbursts in so long! They are so good! I invite you all to eat some tropical starbursts this week.  Also we got so much snow this week which was awesome! (I was nervous as my companion drove lol) and my companion posted in a local group chat and we were everywhere! It was fun to get out and do some service! Then we had exchanges this week and we got to invite Wilmington 2 elders in on a Spanish lesson! It was so awesome! Then we were able to have an awesome lesson with the YSA sisters and Carlie!! It was so awesome! We talked about how Christ changed us through the atonement and the people who found true joy were the ones who had changed. Paul is such a good example. He wasn't the best before lol and then gave up his wealth an...

Snow Week!

Hi Everyone thanks for tuning in on this fine day. Hope you all are smiling everyday!  Now let's see what happens this week. A member did give us a weight set which is cool. Then we had zone conference this week which was awesome! And right after zone conference we had exchanged with the zone leaders! Me and Elder Gordon again! We talked about Dayton and we had an awesome talk about the mission and everything we have learned. And we shoveled snow! It is our only allowed service so when we can we go off! Elder Jones posted in local Facebook pages about if anyone needed help shoveling snow and well we got a lot of responses! We also made a snowman during excercise time which was super fun! Gave him a tie and everything! Also had exchanges with the Milford Elders and Elder Parrish is a stud! He likes to study deep doctrine a lot. Then into the good stuff! We got in contact with the recent converts and they speak Spanish and the lesson with them was just so awesome! They are Laura and ...

*Creative Title*

Why hello everyone. What's the difference between a Cow and an Argentine? La vaca da leche y el otro DALLE CHE!! Probably one of my favorite jokes. Well let's see what happened this week. I'm getting someone get at basketball again so that's hype. Then we are planning to make this awesome video! So follow the Believers of Jesus Christ in Cincinnati East facebook page so get excited! Then we did service or tried but when the service is taking photos of graves and your app doesn't work then well you all you can cheerfully lol. But into the good stuff! We taught Carlie a couple times this week and it is awesome! She literally zoomed into two different sessions of Church because she wanted to! So that is hype. We can't meet in person so everybody better be praying for the vacuna. We taught an awesome lesson on the Holy Ghost in our life and well that gift is real! It helps us to follow Christ and to truly know of our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ. I'll admit...

Welcome back to the channel

First thing we visited the zoo! Saw Harambe's grave. My companion did a moment of silence lol. This week we were Carl a lot this week and he is a stud! He really wants to be ready to enter into a covenant of baptism which is awesome! We had a lesson with him and Brother Dalziel and ladies and gentlemen... Brother Dalziel is so awesome! He is just so smart and just understands how important showing christlike love is! We also were able to meet with Carlie again! And the lesson was so awesome! We taught the Plan of Salvation and she totally felt the spirit. One thing I have ever about teaching her is we have just focused on the Love of God and it has helped me learn so much. That God just loves us so much! He lets us talk to him and he has a plan for all of us and he brought for the Book of Mormon to help bring the light into the world again! It is just so awesome! Then we met with Terry and Beatrice and let me tell ya President Stansbury is one of the best people ever! He is just a ...