Welcome back to the channel
First thing we visited the zoo! Saw Harambe's grave. My companion did a moment of silence lol.
This week we were Carl a lot this week and he is a stud! He really wants to be ready to enter into a covenant of baptism which is awesome! We had a lesson with him and Brother Dalziel and ladies and gentlemen... Brother Dalziel is so awesome! He is just so smart and just understands how important showing christlike love is!
We also were able to meet with Carlie again! And the lesson was so awesome! We taught the Plan of Salvation and she totally felt the spirit. One thing I have ever about teaching her is we have just focused on the Love of God and it has helped me learn so much. That God just loves us so much! He lets us talk to him and he has a plan for all of us and he brought for the Book of Mormon to help bring the light into the world again! It is just so awesome!
Then we met with Terry and Beatrice and let me tell ya President Stansbury is one of the best people ever! He is just a stud! I hope to be like him some day! He just knows how to teach so well and has such a strong testimony! And Bea is really opening up to us which is awesome!
And then english classes! I love spanish aunque no puedo hablar muy bien ahora jaja. And we had a finding day and I never thought I would have Facebook a now I'm contacting people through it. Wild times am I right.
Oh my goodness we had stake conference and it was awesome! President Stansbury gave the best talk ever! He talked about how when we try to be good we see so many of our weaknesses. But we cannot judge anyone. We do not cast stones at anyone for any mistake! We support everyone and help them feel Christ's love. And a sister gave one about how we always need to reach out when we struggle in anyway do not go through your trials alone.
Spiritual Thought:
Shoutout to Eliza for this weeks spiritual thought
This week I want to talk about our wonderful gift of Agency - the power to choose. We face many decisions in life and we should as it says in Alma 37:37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good. But what happens when we don't have clear direction. We must choose and have faith that God will make it the right decision. 1 Nephi 4:6 it says Nephi was led by the spirit but does that mean the spirit said left here or right here. Probably not lol but he trusted in God that he would help him get the plates and so God placed Laban in Nephi's path. Take the first step and trust in God he wi help you
Las Fotos
1 - Harambe
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