Snow Week!

Hi Everyone thanks for tuning in on this fine day. Hope you all are smiling everyday! 

Now let's see what happens this week. A member did give us a weight set which is cool. Then we had zone conference this week which was awesome! And right after zone conference we had exchanged with the zone leaders! Me and Elder Gordon again! We talked about Dayton and we had an awesome talk about the mission and everything we have learned. And we shoveled snow! It is our only allowed service so when we can we go off! Elder Jones posted in local Facebook pages about if anyone needed help shoveling snow and well we got a lot of responses! We also made a snowman during excercise time which was super fun! Gave him a tie and everything! Also had exchanges with the Milford Elders and Elder Parrish is a stud! He likes to study deep doctrine a lot.

Then into the good stuff! We got in contact with the recent converts and they speak Spanish and the lesson with them was just so awesome! They are Laura and Alejandro and yeah just studs! We also had some awesome lessons with Carlie! We got her in contact with the YSA sisters and she is zooming in to their relief society now! YES! And Carl is taking some good steps forward again. We just have to help him see the positive in the world. And I gave a talk and I was still nervous lol my leg was shaking a little bit. We also me with Brother Parsons again! He is the nicest and most humble person! He has some crazy stories! We also are teaching someone named Rick and our lessons just are nice casual Bible chats it is awesome!

Spiritual Thought:

My favorite scripture this week was Helaman 3:35

35 Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God

They turned unto Christ and put in effort and they showed they wanted to follow Christ often! And this filled their souls with Joy! I I love that! As they grew more humble and increased their faith in Christ they were filled with Joy! I invite all of you to do one thing with a little more effort this week - prayers, scripture study or maybe just seeing the wonders that God had created and I know your faith will grow and your joy will grow. 

You all are studs and if there is anything I can do to help you all let me know

Las Fotos 

1 - a good ol puzzle

2 - our snowman 

3 - zone conference 

4 - it's snowing!
