First off everyone here has a Ford fiesta which is awesome because I Yell Ferb everytime I see one. But in reality none of them will every compare to the orginal Ferb. Oh my lanta! Today was so good! First off, Pday which is always awesome. We did all the usual clean, workout, buy groceries, and of course talk with my famiily! Then while we were playing basketball I thought it would be fun to runa round the edge of the church for a mile )which it was=. After PDay ended we had our district meeting and we practiced making commitments and the spirit was so strong! And we visited Gustavo, Teresa and Rocioñ what studs! Teresa and Rocio are getting baptized this Saturday! We taught them a simple lesson but I felt the spirit so strong! Plus I felt like I could understand a lot. Then we ate Mate and Pancakes with them and Gustavo looked up my house on google earth lol. Then we had to run to make it back home in time. What a sight two Gringos running through the streets of Argentina )I LOVE ...