Welcome to the Argentina Neuquén Mission
Dear Brother and Sister Bennett:
It is a blessing to write to inform you that your son, the Elder Bennett, has arrived well to the Argentina Neuquén Mission, and it is a joy to have him in the mission field.
What a privilege to know him and we are sure that your son will become an effective instrument in the hands of the Lord sharing the Gospel [D & C 100: 4-6].
We have assigned your son a devoted and motivated companion, Elder Wood. Our missionaries know that one of the greatest privileges in the mission is to train a new missionary. This first companion will be a special person in the life of your son and will help him to have a great start in the mission.
We feel a greatly responsible in the care and welfare of your son. We want to assure you that we will be in close contact with him. We will be observers of his physical health, happiness and spiritual well-being. We will work closely with him throughout his mission to help him successfully fulfill his call as representative of the Lord Jesus Christ and His restored Church by inviting people to come to Christ and by helping them accept the covenants and ordinances of the restored gospel and persevere to the end.
Please know that we will be in contact with you if we ever face a situation that might need your attention. We see you as a great support for your son or daughter while in the mission field and we will work closely together. Attached is a photograph of your child taken with us.
Thank you for the sacrifices you are making by having a missionary in the field. We have seen how Lord blesses the families of the missionaries who are serving in a miraculous way.
I pray with all my heart that the Lord our Redeemer bless you today and always.
Pte. Jorge R. Cardozo
Argentina Neuquen Mission
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