Chango is the slang I learned this week. It means something like homie.

I want to know what people think when they see two Gringos running through the streets of Choele Choel on a Monday lol. We watched the new Book of Mormon video and man was it good! Those videos are all so cool! I highly  recommend watching them.  Also we had a lesson on temples with Rocio, Gustavo and Teresa. Temples are amazing! Take advantage of them you feel so much peace inside temples!
WAG (we always grindin'.) That is what today was -we were just everywhere. Right before lunch we taught Nico and Rosa and they both said they wanted to be baptized! YES! Then I have learned that barbeque sauce is amazing. It  goes with everything lol. Then in the afternoon we did visits, or at least tried lol. But another lesson with Rocio, Gustavo and Teresa! Teresa called us Angels! I had a huge smile -  and then Gustavo is so ready to get baptized! YEET!
Got a haircut from Elder Wood. You can now call me Elder Guapo. We had an awesome lesson with Gustavo, Teresa and Rocio about the atonement and Plan of Salvation. Then Elder Wood got distracted and was talking about cars forever lol. But other than that our day wasn´t our best. We did find Dom! We´ve been looking for him forever. He moved here from Oregon and speaks perfect English. Hopefully he comes to the baptism on Saturday.
We got to RUN today!! Elder Wood relates it to Rocky and the steps. Eventually he´ll be able to sprint up the hill we run lol. Then Gustavo had an entrevista bautismal today, so we made him pancakes and then we watched music videos from Eleyni while he had his interview. Then in the afternoon we grinded. We were everywhere, I LOVE THE WORK, talking to everyone! I  could not understand a lot , but we always grinding!  Then me and Elder Wood talked about date ideas. He has a lot of good ones. And we had a lesson with Analia. She helped us with Reuben and the spirit during that lesson was amazing!
Friday was so good! I love being able to visit Rocio, Gustavo and Teresa every day. Teresa wrote her testimony for us. She has so much faith! Such a stud! Then had empanadas and mashed potatoes! Oh my goodness it was so good. And we bought Ice cream today, oh how I missed ice cream. We bought it for an awesome Noche de Hogar we had with the Lezcanos. Then after that we just went and contacted everyone in the street until we had to go back to the house. We have some high goals this month which means we gotta work. WE ALWAYS GRINDING!
We ran today which was dope! I won the race so you all know l still got it.  Today was Gustavo´s baptism! It was so cool. We had to chill in the church all day while the pila bautismal filled up. Then the baptism! It was so good, Gustavo felt the spirit so strong! He is such a stud! After the baptism we contacted a couple people and I started dancing in the street. It was a ME ENCANTA LA OBRA dance. Now tomorrow is the baptism by fire. Let´s get it!
Gustavo´s confirmation was awesome! Everyone there felt the spirit so strongly! Gustavo is a stud and he is probably going to have the opportunity to receive the Aaronic priesthood this week! So cool! Then today we just visited a lot of members and inactive members. We really want to get everyone involved with the OBRA. Hermana Padilla says my piano playing is really good, but I need to play louder so she doesn´t have to hear the ugly singing voices lol. LOVE THE WORK! LOVE THE PEOPLE!
Spiritual Thought: 3 Nephi 12 14-16 Don´t hide your light from people. Share it with everyone. And read the book of Mormon. The quote by Joseph Smith in the introduction of the Book of Mormon is true. Love you all so much!
1 - A dope car for sale

2 - Another sunset

3 - Gustavo's baptism!
