
Showing posts from February, 2020

And we in the big city folks

Sorry folks I forgot to write a letter last week but I{ll try to add a little bit of last week in. But I got transferred! It was super funny cause usually you find out on saturday but we had a super awesome conference with Presidente Hoyos so we didn{t find out till sunday. I have never packed so fast in my entire life. Think about this... I packed 2 years of my life in 20 min lol. Then I was alone on a bus for 3 hours. That was weird lol. Then I swear everyone from my zone was transferred so we were all the bus together. Oh and get this! I got whitewashed again!! LET{S GET IT! My new comp is Elder Perez from Peru and man he talks fast and speaks even less english. LOVE IT! Oh and I am in Barrio Heller in Neuquen, Neuquen. From pueblito to Ciudad and I have never been so lost lol. And the pension we are in is with the Lideres de Zona. Entonces with 4 elders we have a pension rey cheto! Ok I this week was super awesome! We found so many new people to teach! And my companion is so awesom...

Wow I am getting bad at writing

This week let us see... Well we had intercambios which was awesome! I did splits with Elder Pederson! We found some super awesome people. One dude was riding his bike and stopped us. His name is Ariel and man is he dope! When we passed by later in the week we played some chess and he told me a half marathon was short lol. And he came to church so we are like best buds lol. Then we had an awesome Noche de Hogar with the Familia Romero! We did the sand and rocks example how we need to put the spiritual things first in our lives! IT WAS SO AWESOME! It was funny because we were shoveling sand into a water bottle in the streets. Then we did 2 servicos in 1 day with the same person! Lorena and then we got to meet her husband! We taught him the restoration and the spirit was so strong during the lesson! They made us dinner but it was already 10 o{clock so they had to drive us home lol. At church the Hermano Gonzalez who just finished his mission bore his testimony and it was one of the most p...

Love it (imagine me singing those words)

Here we go this was a good week so buckle up and read the letter. Pday and we headed down to Jumbo! It reminded me of Fashion Place Mall. Then at night we were contacting and we stopped at car and contacted! It was so fun! Oh and we are hyping up the members here! We had a lesson on the Book of Mormon in Elder{s Quorum and at the end Elder Grey invited everyone to hand out a book of Mormon to everyone! Oh and we contacted someone named Martin Ramirez and he said pass by his house the next day. When we passed by this lady answered the door and said no Martin lives there and she got worried so she called her son to confirm. So maybe we contacted a ghost lol. Then we are teaching Nicolas! He is super cool but loves to talk about literally everything so sometimes our lessons last awhile lol. One of the best lessons this week was with Susanna! A referencia de un miembro. We taught her the restoration and when we said the prayer I looked up and she had the biggest smile on her face. She told...


Hello chiefs, This week was so fun! We just keep on grinding. I have found the 2 enemies of the missionary are time and sleep. I like the phrase in the mission manual that says this time is short and precious and it is so true. Then we had a zone conference this week and it was so good! President Cardozo always has such a strong testimony! Then we watched a video from the TABCATS and it the message was when life seems to be spinning just slow down and listen. Also got to do a service this week! So much fun! We mowed the lawn with the edger. Then during the zone conference we were told to emphasize baptism in contacts more and always invite. And man we saw some miracles from that this week! We had 6 people accepts dates this week but not everyone came to church. (The siesta has much power here) But what was really cool when we taught the Familia Romero. And after we invited people to be baptized the spirit was so strong and everyone listened more intently. Also Hermano Pereya made us so...


fotos 1 - servicio con elder perez 2 - terminal saying goodbye 3 - Lisandro 4 - elevator of a super nice hotel Sorry folks I forgot to write a letter last week but I{ll try to add a little bit of last week in. But I got transferred! It was super funny cause usually you find out on saturday but we had a super awesome conference with Presidente Hoyos so we didn{t find out till sunday. I have never packed so fast in my entire life. Think about this... I packed 2 years of my life in 20 min lol. Then I was alone on a bus for 3 hours. That was weird lol. Then I swear everyone from my zone was transferred so we were all the bus together. Oh and get this! I got whitewashed again!! LET{S GET IT! My new comp is Elder Perez from Peru and man he talks fast and speaks even less english. LOVE IT! Oh and I am in Barrio Heller in Neuquen, Neuquen. From pueblito to Ciudad and I have never been so lost lol. And the pension we are in is with the Lideres de Zona. Entonces with 4 elders we have a pension r...