And we in the big city folks

Sorry folks I forgot to write a letter last week but I{ll try to add a little bit of last week in. But I got transferred! It was super funny cause usually you find out on saturday but we had a super awesome conference with Presidente Hoyos so we didn{t find out till sunday. I have never packed so fast in my entire life. Think about this... I packed 2 years of my life in 20 min lol. Then I was alone on a bus for 3 hours. That was weird lol. Then I swear everyone from my zone was transferred so we were all the bus together. Oh and get this! I got whitewashed again!! LET{S GET IT! My new comp is Elder Perez from Peru and man he talks fast and speaks even less english. LOVE IT! Oh and I am in Barrio Heller in Neuquen, Neuquen. From pueblito to Ciudad and I have never been so lost lol. And the pension we are in is with the Lideres de Zona. Entonces with 4 elders we have a pension rey cheto! Ok I this week was super awesome! We found so many new people to teach! And my companion is so awesome! His story is so cool! He is from Peru and could of gone pro in soccer but decided to serve a mission! We had some awesome lessons this week too! One with Monica Perez. We explained the importance of the Sabbath Day and she is actively looking for the true church! Then a lesson with Lorena. We read the Book of Mormon with her and we were just reading the introduction and their was just a wave of the spirit that hit us! Finally we had lunch with members and all 4 elders in our pension. And one of the amigos de The leaders of the Zone. And we had one of the coolest lessons ever. It all started with the testimony of Elder Perez then we all bore our testimonies and bam bam bam! It was awesome! Oh a dog tried to bite my hand. And someone asked if we could have more than 1 wife. We just said no. Then President Cardozo came to our church this sunday! It was fasting testimony meeting and his testimony was so strong! We can take part in the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by simply sharing this gospel with everyone. Then we got lost a lot and wandered into other people{s areas. Spiritual ThoughtÑ John 13Ñ1'17 When Jesus washes the apostoles feet. We need to use the Atonement in our lives. It is truly the greatest event in history.
