Love it (imagine me singing those words)
Here we go this was a good week so buckle up and read the letter. Pday and we headed down to Jumbo! It reminded me of Fashion Place Mall. Then at night we were contacting and we stopped at car and contacted! It was so fun! Oh and we are hyping up the members here! We had a lesson on the Book of Mormon in Elder{s Quorum and at the end Elder Grey invited everyone to hand out a book of Mormon to everyone! Oh and we contacted someone named Martin Ramirez and he said pass by his house the next day. When we passed by this lady answered the door and said no Martin lives there and she got worried so she called her son to confirm. So maybe we contacted a ghost lol. Then we are teaching Nicolas! He is super cool but loves to talk about literally everything so sometimes our lessons last awhile lol. One of the best lessons this week was with Susanna! A referencia de un miembro. We taught her the restoration and when we said the prayer I looked up and she had the biggest smile on her face. She told us she hadn{t prayed in a long time. Then we are visiting Hermano Pereya. He is going through a hard time but he is such a stud! He has done so much temple work for his family! And he made us some super good cake. Then 2 companionships had baptisms this week! We wanted to go to one of them but you have to bring someone. We were by the church and the service was about to start and there were 2 kids playing basketball and we invited them to the baptism and they said yes! And the baptism was awesome! The kids Angelo y Maxi said they would come to church! Also I love it when people just ask us. What are you guys doing_ Then bam lesson! It happened a couple times this week. Then this next week we have planned a super cool action of Fe every day!
Spiritual ThoughtÑ The Book of Mormon is my spiritual thought for this week. Each time we read the Book of Mormon we will feel an increased desire to follow the commandments of God. Having a testimony of the Book of Mormon is essential because it truly is the keystone of the Church of Jesus Christ
Love you all Chiefs
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