Hello chiefs,

This week was so fun! We just keep on grinding. I have found the 2 enemies of the missionary are time and sleep. I like the phrase in the mission manual that says this time is short and precious and it is so true. Then we had a zone conference this week and it was so good! President Cardozo always has such a strong testimony! Then we watched a video from the TABCATS and it the message was when life seems to be spinning just slow down and listen. Also got to do a service this week! So much fun! We mowed the lawn with the edger. Then during the zone conference we were told to emphasize baptism in contacts more and always invite. And man we saw some miracles from that this week! We had 6 people accepts dates this week but not everyone came to church. (The siesta has much power here) But what was really cool when we taught the Familia Romero. And after we invited people to be baptized the spirit was so strong and everyone listened more intently. Also Hermano Pereya made us some dope icecream cake this week! And we always grinding! My comp keeps trying to imitate a gringo accent it is pretty funny. Best thing this week was when we got Andrea to come to church. She is a less active member and her mom was so happy when she came to church! She gave her a big hug and had the biggest smile on her face

Spiritual Thought: 3 Nefi 11:10-11 Jesus is the Christ. He suffered for all of our sins and came into this world to complete the will of the father. And we can always feel his healing power through prayer.
