La semana de servicios
Let's see what happened this week. I would call this week the week of service because welp it is pretty self explanatory. First we helped some people set up their pet store by helping them move their bags of dog food. They were impressed we could carry 2 o 3 bags at once lol. Franco, Marinela y Micaela are their names. Super cool. They want to make us a cena. Then we painted the fence of the Familia Romero. That took awhile and then their sprayer thing broke so we couldn{t finish so their is this one little square that is unfinished. Then we helped Florencia )someone we are teaching= remove overflowed sewage. The agenda of my comp fell in the water. The other elders threatened to throw the agenda out the window after that lol. Then we had some awesome lessons this week we the Familia Vargas. A less active family and we taught them the importance of temples and covenants. And the spirit was strong when we watched the rome temple video! Also Nehuen, Elunei and Alexander all came to church! It was this super awesome stake conference so it was a little difficult for 3 kids to sit still for 2 hours )which I understand lol= but still so good! A lot of the messages were on the importance of the temple and not being casual in the gospel. Because this gospel is the gospel of Jesus Christ the light of the world! Then we also got lost looking for one of the people we are teaching and ending up walking to the edge of our area lol. But we did find 2 awesome members in the process and we are now teaching a reference from them )silvia=! And we taught the Plan of Salvacion and it was so awesome!
Spiritual Thought: This week the thought comes from the Stake Conference from the temple president. He related the temple to wifi. That we in the world need wifi a good 5 bars of it. And in the temple we have 5 bars of spirtual wifi. Because spending time in the House of Lord can and will change us for the better. Love you all, Love the work, Love the people!
Elder Bennett
1 - Our cute little district
2 - There was a little fire
3 - Yeah we painted that fence
4 - Abby y Elias
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