
Showing posts from September, 2019

GUYS GUYS GUYS... I'm travel leader

Ladies and gents another week has come and gone. I played ultimate frisbee and basketball and after playing frisbee my legs were the ichiest they have ever been. There was a wicked lightning storm on Wednesday all the guys in my house were either in a room with the lights off watching the lightning or on the front porch. We probably would've been out there all night if we didn't have to be in our rooms by 9:45. There's just something about rain that is relaxing.  And all the guys here want to get married so fast. I had one of the weirdest nights of sleep. I woke up and was freezing cold and could not get warm, then woke up 2 hours later and I was roasting. I also officially lost to the comida.  It was just a rough night lol.  This week I stopped using notes for the lesson I taught.  I went in with  1 or 2 scriptures and just taught. There is something going around the MTC because about half the people here are sick. I've just decided to be extra careful...

Bullcuts are in

Dude loving the mission dude! I can't believe how lucky I am! You learn so much! You learn how to have fun and how to work hard. Played a district vs district bball game. I've found I'm a lot better at full court ball then half court. I'm getting better at spanish (I think lol).  Then we helped make beds for our service project. Then some sub came in he was kind of passice agressive. He called everyone out for being late even though our service project went late. Then another TRC. And it was super good I could understand pretty well but the second guy spoke super fast but luckily he spoke a little english ha. Then we saw our zone leaders at dinner and our whole house stood up and saluted them and sang happy bday in the cafeteria.  Found out I have to make a lesson for priesthood but I'm getting pretty good at writing lessons so we chillin. The routine of the MTC is pretty good now.  Then Thursday night the 2nd counselor of the MTC presidency walked in on us doin...

The comida almost won

Being able to talk to family and friends always makes my day. Also I went through the temple today which is always a cool experience. Afterwards I fell asleep on the bus ride which everyone said was awful. But I love my friends and family seeing them always motivates me to work harder.  Thursday was well a day lol. Elder Nye got a package but the lady said someone else took it and Nye, a quiet and nice dude, was close to snapping cause his mom sent him this package and someone else took it but eventually he got it but somehow his frustrated is still so nice lol. Then we had TRC on thursday and man that was a reality check (TRC - teach recent convert). 'Cause teaching your teachers and friends is easy but we were teaching actual people and me and my companion had to skype this person and the Ipad kept cutting out and then this person never understood any of our questions so we just tried to teach her the 1st lesson but she was laughing at us the whole time so a little frustrati...

Adios a semana dos

Dude it's weird to think I'm already half way done with the second week of the MTC. But the spanish is ramping up. We have to write a 15 minute lesson in spanish. And write a talk every week. Also Elder Siebert is a wierd but funny dude. We'll be in class and he'll just drop and do 25 pushups and during study time he was doing core while looking at his basic spanish phrases.  Also my doodling abilties are improving. My whole district started talking about music. I realized I really miss one direction and Chance. I also realize I have a really hard time focusing between 2-4 o'clock. Then I made it to the semis in our water pong tournament. And then I have already memorized so much and our teacher almost acts like we're behind but my district is ahead of some 5 weekers lol.  The MTC is amazing and super boring all at the same time. I've also learned I have superb sleeping abiltities. I've slept through a thunderstorm, sirens, some guy on a meg...

First Email

FIRST EMAIL!! WHAT IT DO BABY!! Well the first day was rough no doubt. I just couldn't stop thinking about my friends and family. I also am a little scared I won't be able to do a lot of running or at least not fast running lol. Me and Jeddy are in the same dorm so that is super cool. Also Elder Bednar had a devotional and half way through the closing hymn he just stopped it and said that this hymn was chosen by the spirit. Super cool. My companion is elder Nye from Logan,Utah. Quiet dude which is kind of nice sometimes. We also got too teach real investigators as a class. One even said a prayer super powerful. But mostly I just want to say I miss you guys so much.  Sorry if this email is all over the place, I'm writing it day by day. But I think I'm going to have a good grasp of spanish when I leave. Because we have to memorize a lot of spanish. And I always make sure to memorize it in english first. Also neither of my instructors speak good english ...