The comida almost won

Being able to talk to family and friends always makes my day. Also I went through the temple today which is always a cool experience. Afterwards I fell asleep on the bus ride which everyone said was awful. But I love my friends and family seeing them always motivates me to work harder. 

Thursday was well a day lol. Elder Nye got a package but the lady said someone else took it and Nye, a quiet and nice dude, was close to snapping cause his mom sent him this package and someone else took it but eventually he got it but somehow his frustrated is still so nice lol. Then we had TRC on thursday and man that was a reality check (TRC - teach recent convert). 'Cause teaching your teachers and friends is easy but we were teaching actual people and me and my companion had to skype this person and the Ipad kept cutting out and then this person never understood any of our questions so we just tried to teach her the 1st lesson but she was laughing at us the whole time so a little frustrating but you just got to shake it off and keep going. 

Then for personal study time our whole district sang 'I know that my Redeemer lives' and an hermana has a cool piano arrangement to it we want to try and sing it at a devotional. I found out how hard it is to study if you don't go to bed on time this week. Also we took a spanish assessment and found out I don't know the grammar that well lol. I can usually think of the right word in spanish just can figure out how to structure a sentence and I was never good at that in english either. 

Also I think the hamburger was a little under done this week. Also literally everyone in our house misses music so blast whatever music we have on this speaker Elder Morrill got. Disney music is bumping!! But I had a good conversation with Hermana Perez and she speaks like 0 english so it is promising. Man spanish is hard but I can see progress. I was able to write a whole talk in spanish about Prophets and revelation and there is no way I learn the language without making mistakes. Also my class will just start singing disney songs during breaks. 

Also Elder Siebert during book of mormon read made us act out a scene lol. We had to pretend to preach like king benjamin by standing on our desks. Also the CCM is really cool because you feel the spirit every single day! Also I was able to teach an improvised lesson which was really cool. Then we played a game where we saw who could say the phrases the fastest and Hermama Perez says Argentinians speak super fast so we're all scared. 

Also tomorrow is President Nelson's 95th bday and when apostoles speak here it's like the biggest concert of the century is in your home town I love it! I saw my dad on TV! What a guy! But during the devotional I swear the MTC presidency doesn't know what AC is cause I was dying. Also my whole house decided to do middle parts for our hair on Sunday. The branch president thought it was funny so he took a selfie with all of us. 

The book saints is so good! It's so cool to learn about the history of the church.  This week we learned of promix where you get a lation companion for a day our district was getting nervous but I don't think it will happen because there aren't enough native speakers here to do it. But we play this game in class called guess the latino and that person has to speak in spanish all day. I got chosen and I was suprised at how comfortbale I was with it. I had to creatively explain myself a couple times but it was good. What's cool is the teachers say we are using the gift of tongues and improving so much and none of us really notice. 

I also got a sweet nap on monday! It felt so good. I also thought I was going to lose a battle to the comida. If that happens we have to write our name with what food we lost too on the white board in our casa. I was only wounded though. My companion gave me a tums and we were chillin. Then Elder Morrill has a scripture marker with all the scripture mastery passages from his sem teacher and I took a pic and I'm gonna go mark all the scriptures. 

It's a grind here but I still love it (kind of lol) I just can't wait to get out to the field even if I can't understand them. Through all the scriptures I've read here I know even with broken/slow spanish through the spirit I can touch the heart of the people all you need is faith. 

I would say my spanish has gotten a lot better over the course of this week. It's super cool to see how much progress I've made after only being here for like 3 weeks. Then I did start to get sick this week but I'm mad chillin. Also taugh two more lessons on tuesday and it's really cool when you improvise and you can feel the spirit guiding you. Also our house does 8 minute abs a lot at night but I can never make it through because I always start laughing so hard I think I'm gonna pee my pants. Also I tried to wear my Nike's to breakfast for Pday and the MTC president was checking to see if people had shaved before breakfast and he just looked down at my shoes and looked back up at me and "Elder do you have better shoes?" so he sent me back to my house to change.

Spiritual thought for the week is faith is found in small moments everywhere. I am finding them daily in the MTC. 

Pics -
My district

Jeddy, Bryan Barrus and me (MTC GANG!!)

Me and Jeddy with Eliza's good friend Justin

Me and Jed at Mexico City temple

Our house doing middle parts for our hair 
