Adios a semana dos

Dude it's weird to think I'm already half way done with the second week of the MTC. But the spanish is ramping up. We have to write a 15 minute lesson in spanish. And write a talk every week. Also Elder Siebert is a wierd but funny dude. We'll be in class and he'll just drop and do 25 pushups and during study time he was doing core while looking at his basic spanish phrases. 

Also my doodling abilties are improving. My whole district started talking about music. I realized I really miss one direction and Chance. I also realize I have a really hard time focusing between 2-4 o'clock. Then I made it to the semis in our water pong tournament. And then I have already memorized so much and our teacher almost acts like we're behind but my district is ahead of some 5 weekers lol. 

The MTC is amazing and super boring all at the same time. I've also learned I have superb sleeping abiltities. I've slept through a thunderstorm, sirens, some guy on a megaphone, fireworks, and barking dogs, but never through the alarm. My spanish is decent I'm just not good at conjugating verbs. 

We're doing a 24 hour fast from lunch on saturday to lunch on sunday. And I feel like I'm more focus, hungry, but more focused. During lunch today after loaded up with food. Elder Bowles and Elder Morrill ate a lot, funny cause they are the two smallest kids but nothing compares to what Elder Nye ate. He ate 3 enchiladas, a plate of rice, a plate of pineapple and watermelon, a kinder chocolate bar and 5 bowls of cereal and he didn{t even get the food sweats, it was amazing! I made some goals to memorize a scripture a day in english and spanish. 

Grind never stops! But I'm really having fun. And there was a devotional today by Elder Godoy and Elder Clayton of the seventy. Elder Godoy's talk was amazing! He talked about the light inside all of us and how amazing it is that we get to be apart of the restored church! What a guy! Me and Nye were water pong champions this week. Also I love this gospel! On Sunday I felt the spirit so strong when we all explained why we all wanted to go on missions. 

Also I sang in the choir. I'm still not sure what part I am lol I just sing. Also I've realized I'm never going to stop saying chief. So the first thing I say when I get off the plane is hey chief. Me and Elder Nye are working hard in the MTC. We both have almost everything checked off and we still have 3 more weeks. Also we taught a lesson to our teacher who acted as an investigator and I could feel the spirit in that lesson. Memorizing isn't always the best but it can help you go off script and follow the promptings of the spirit. T

hen at night we had a birthday party for Elder Abbott (Jeddys companion). The CCM is still a little rough at times but really you just have to embrace the hardwork. Also I sang in the choir I wish I knew what the song was about lol. Then during the tuesday devotional there was an awesome soloist and also a not good duet. I{m loving my house dude they are all so funny. Then on p'day we get to go the temple. I´m gonna by some dope ties.

Spiritual Thought: What really has been emphasized this week in faith. Everything leads back to faith. We can do all things through crhist but we must have faith in him. Read Morni 7: love that chapter. I love and miss you guys so much! 

1 - Jeddy, My second Cousin Ethan Iba and Me
2 - Me and my companion (Elder Nye)
3 - All the guys wanted to see if we could fit in that cupboard (I fit!)
