First Email



Well the first day was rough no doubt. I just couldn't stop thinking about my friends and family. I also am a little scared I won't be able to do a lot of running or at least not fast running lol. Me and Jeddy are in the same dorm so that is super cool.

Also Elder Bednar had a devotional and half way through the closing hymn he just stopped it and said that this hymn was chosen by the spirit. Super cool. My companion is elder Nye from Logan,Utah. Quiet dude which is kind of nice sometimes. We also got too teach real investigators as a class. One even said a prayer super powerful. But mostly I just want to say I miss you guys so much. 

Sorry if this email is all over the place, I'm writing it day by day. But I think I'm going to have a good grasp of spanish when I leave. Because we have to memorize a lot of spanish. And I always make sure to memorize it in english first. Also neither of my instructors speak good english so i get good practice with listening. Also cafeteria food es no bueno. Some elderes at dinner did a food challenge and ate 9 bowls of cereral plus a main dish. They all got the food sweats. What you have to do to keep yourself entertained at the mtc. I'm starting to get to know my district more which makes it better.

The days are still a little slow. But my companion actually is willing to run with me so I am hyped!!!! I also got to run with Brian and I've seen Justin @eliza I just never have my backpack on me in the cafeteria. Also one of my roomates quoted off the minnesota driver's ed book. With the exact page, paragraph and sentence. He's just a strange dude has this weird piano flute thing.

Well today I get a half pday and man is it nice. I have to stay in my church clothes to facetime or email though. Love you all so much. You'll be receiving another email on Wednesday my real pday.
