
Showing posts from 2020
MERRY Christmas and Happy BIRTHDAY to the one and only Eliza Bennett!! What a stud! Well this week was pretty fire! We were visiting la Familia Castillo a lot this week and we had a noche de hogar with them on Monday! It was so fun! We played a game where you make animal sounds and you have to figure out who is making the sound. And we all walked out of there and just noticed that a light had been brought into their lives thanks to the gospel. It has been so amazing to see their journey!  Then we had zone/mission conference this week and we had a competition to see who could touch their car first and get back to the call and well we live on the third story of an apartment building but that did not stop us from trying! And Sister Ensign shared a christmas story and it was beautiful how when we make the effort to serve others we can touch people's lives in unimaginable ways!  Christmas Eve and Christmas were super chill. We did get to teach a lesson to Betty which was awesome an...

Last Christmas

Last Christmas I gave you my heart and the very next day you gave it away. This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special! I invite you to listen to this song now on to more important things lol We started a sub 5 in 5 weeks program which means sub mile but we only went to the track twice but I ran a 5:08 so I'm close we'll get there! And had service again! I love the Good Neighbor House it is just so fun to so service! And we cleared people's windows one morning which was fun! and the town center has christmas trees that are synchronized with christmas music! It was so cool! This week was solid! We get to go to the house of the Family Castillo everyday! And we had a member visit with Presdient and sister Grajeda and they are just Studs! Everything they said was exactly what the family needed to hear! We have also gotten good at making little cardboard cutouts for lessons.  Then we got to make a fun light the world video with one of the members. We also...

The cheese balls

Buenísimo! Como están todos? Son capos!! So for cheese balls we got three whole cans of it for service. We did some trick shots with them lol. Then to the week let's see what happened. We had some awesome service at the Good Neighbor house! It is always fun and go there! And then Elder Stephens is a stud. He likes to run too so that is always dope! And there were some ups and downs but we keep going!  Then the lessons! We had some awesome lessons with Antonia y Ester. They are just studs! Keep praying for them and their family! We taught them about prophets and had an awesome lesson with Hermana Sandavol about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is so cool to see a light come into people's lives as they learn to embrace the gospel! Then just want to say get outside go live in those outdoors they are pretty cool! We also had another lesson with Juan Robert! Now he is a stud he has some questions but the Book of Mormon is it! The lessons with him you can tell he feels the spirit! He h...


Well this week was pretty good. We had a mission wide zoom conference with Sister and Elder Funk which was super cool. The last day we talked about the talk letting God Prevail in our life which was awesome! One of the footnotes talks about the Abrahamic test meaning to let him truly prevail may not at all times seem the easiest but it truly brings the greatest blessings.  Also had some awesome lessons with Antonia y Ester this week and they are so ready and now the whole family is getting ready to be baptized! And the Juan Robert! This guy is awesome! Teaching him the Book of Mormon has shown me how truly important it is because it guides us through a somewhat confusing world! And you know just keep going.  One morning it snowed so for excercise time we just cleaned off all the windows of cars and that was actually hype! SERVICE RULES! And we had transfers and well I'm staying here in Gold ol Dayton Ohio and me and Elder Mitchell are training Elder Stephens who was originally...

Pineapple Gang strikes again!

Yeah that's right! We brought a pineapple to the SML Sisters. Also everyone go watch the #HisGiftToMe videos on the followers of Jesus Christ in Dayton Facebook page. Oh and it is snowing today!! Then let's see what happened this week... We got to get with Antonia y Ester again! They are awesome! We had a super spiritual lesson with them about the power of the Atonement of Christ in our lives! Pray for them! And then JUAN ROBERT! This guy is awesome! He wants to find the truth so bad and welp we got it so we shared with him the Restoration! It truly is amazing the spirit the first vision brings into lessons! Good ol Elder Cauble was a beast and said it for his first time! And we could tell it touched his heart. And oh yeah Thanksgiving was this week lol. We got so much food lol. One member literally made us a whole Turkey lol. But the best parts were the yams! CANDIED YAMS ARE AMAZING! And had a super fun district activity which I realized is the first official district activit...

The Daytoniest of Ohios

Good morning, afternoon or night for whenever you have decided to read this email. But let's see what happened this week... Learn Sister Olsen has a raccoon that has met TOM HOLLAND! So that is pretty fire! We met with Antonia y Ester a lot and they are gonna get baptized next week which is gonna be hype! Pray for them as they continue learning! Then this week Nayeli y Yovanna who were gonna get baptized next Saturday moved to Chicago but it's all good cause they are moving in with family who are members! We called the sisters from Chicago in that area and they are teaching 12 people from that family so hype! God knows where they need to be Then this week we got meet Juan Robert! He has met with so many missionaries and had questions about the afterlife and well simply put THE BOOK OF MORMON RULES! I'm so excited to go teach him again!  Not as much running this week cause there was rain (hey I tried to get them outside lol) and we met a kid named Kerin who is also moving to...

The Pineapple Gang

Well let us see... This week was all over. We gave a pineapple to the receptionist lady in our apartment and now we are the pineapple gang so yeah hit us up if you want a pineapple! Then we also got robbed this week so we had to take a trip down to Cincinnati but we gotta go to Jungle Jim's and I bought some ALFAJORES!!! LOS MEJORES! Then what else happened...oh yeah I got run on the track always and forever! Oh and I made bread it was funny looking lol. We had some awesome lessons this week! We visited Nayeli and Yuvanna and they are progressing really well and we were in a lesson and they just get it! So awesome and we shared a lesson about how God is our loving Heavenly Father and let me tell yeah that is something to smile about! Then we visited with Antonia y Ester y son capas!! And we got to meet Jose (he is the dad) and he has been in Lousiana working so now he is gonna be able to attend the baptism!! And we had stake conference which was awesome! And the first speaker talke...


First a joke - A penguin walked into a bar. The bartender called animal control cause there was a penguin in the bar.  Well let's get into it now jaja. This week was solid! Antonia y Ester are Studs! We were able to have a member lesson with them and we taught them about the 2000 stripling warriors and let me tell ya those guys are dope! They have confidence in God and fought with courage and strength and not one of them perished! Then we were able to pass by La Familia or as Elder Mitchell calls them "The boyss" lol and we shared with them the Video 'Thanks to him' and it was so good!! I invite you all to watch it and ponder how wonderful the knowledge of Christ and his atonement is! Then always running and more running! And we played chess. I'm regaining my skills from Altaview! And we got a new car so that is solid. We haven't decided on a name yet but I'll let you know when we do. Some solid service for the good neighbor house and we helped a guy j...

First snow fall

So yeah you heard it hear first first snow fall from Ohio! That was awesome! It was like nothing but it was snow! Now on to the week. Let's see what happened this week...more running of course. My new comp was just as weirded out about how much I like to run as my old ones lol. Then he likes how many vegetables I eat lol. Also made super bars and they were so good!! And then we got to go to church this week and we got Nayelli and Yuvanna there! They have a fecha bautismal para el 28 de noviembre!! Pray for their whole family so we can help them all get to church. And got to bless the sacrament which is always the best! Then even with the ups and downs the scriptures always bring me peace! Love those guys I reccomend reading them. And I got to give a training in district council on how to use scriptures during lessons. I used the ICEBERG OF SUCCESS which I think you have heard of lol. Then we got to visit Antonia y Ester esta semana y son capos! Also this rama is so awesome they are...


Yeet is just a good word all around. Highly reccomend its use in your daily vocabulary. Now let's get to it! So this week was awesome! Always running in rain and sun. And with both always sweating cause of humidity but WE LOVE IT! We had zone conference over zoom and man Sister and President Ensign are the best. They are so focused on their missionaries looking to the Good Shepherd and finding the tree of life. And we had some awesome lessons this week! Antonia y Ester accepted a date for the 21 of November! Please pray for them to help them grow in the gospel! Then we met with Nayeli and Yuvanna and they are awesome! And Blanca who invited 4 of her friends to church this Sunday which was dope. So the promised land of Dayton continues to see many miracles! And we had Texas roadhouse for the funeral of Elder Brooks and always SERVICE! Then we had transfers so Elder gordon Gordon fue, lo cual es bien triste!! We got Elder Mitchell and he is super cool! And he explored what people lef...

Dayton Ohio #3

 Well folks here we are again. This week was solid!  First off I have gotten one of my comps to love running so we go running at the track like everyday which is hype! Then someone in the mission sent me "cheese on toast" which was cheese wiz and Ritz crackers that said toast lol. And if you didn't know that is a song my Dad wrote so we are all still confused on where it came from lol.  Now to the lessons! This week was just full of miracles! We were able to share the Plan of Salvation which Ryan and Leah and as I was studying it the thought came that if we can find joy in this life then just imagine the Celestial Kingdom! Then we taught Antonia and Ester the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are so ool! There are always about 7 kids there cause they babysit which is fun lol. Then Nicolasa! We taught the Book of Mormon and she told us "I have never heard of this but I'll read it and pray about it for sure" and then Blanca!!! The missionaries here hadn't seen Bl...


Bienvenidos a mi correo electronico semenal! Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times and have a great day here at lagoon. Well now here we go lol. This week was solid. We went to Raising Cains which was pretty good some upgraded KFC right there. Then did exchanges which really was just switching comps at the museum for 2 hours. Then killing it in the running game! We even saw the Dayton XC team running.    This week was a week of spiritual growth definitely! We had an amazing family home evening with a recent convert and her family. We were really trying to focus on helping the kids get interested in the gospel so we played some awesome games and tied them into the gospel principles and they loved it!!!! And we taught Ryan and Leah this week and Elder Cauble who is new so he doesn't talk a lot just opened up and bore a very simple testimony of God's love for them and the spirit was so strong!!! Faith brings miracles folks! This week we had interviews with Presdien...

Why Hello again

 Hello to all you chiefs and studs  I'm back! It's been a long unexpected journey but I am in Dayton Ohio serving in a Spanish Area which is super awesome! My companions are Elder Gordon who was serving in Angola and speaks Portuguese but we are pretty sure the mission president thinks he served in Mexico jaja and then Elder Cauble who is in his training. So I have an adopted kid. Also we are right the university so I get to run on the track!! My comps were like "Wow Elder Bennett you really like to run"   Then this week was super awesome! We do a lot of English Classes and the first one we did the kid thought I was from Argentina so um...YEET. Then we are teaching this super awesome family!! They love the gospel and we had a powerful lesson about the importance of the Book of Mormon in our lives! It truly is the "keystone of our religion" it testifies of Christ and helps us to come to know him (conocer no solo saber).    Then you know I had to talk about G...

La semana de servicios

Let's see what happened this week. I would call this week the week of service because welp it is pretty self explanatory. First we helped some people set up their pet store by helping them move their bags of dog food. They were impressed we could carry 2 o 3 bags at once lol. Franco, Marinela y Micaela are their names. Super cool. They want to make us a cena. Then we painted the fence of the Familia Romero. That took awhile and then their sprayer thing broke so we couldn{t finish so their is this one little square that is unfinished. Then we helped Florencia )someone we are teaching= remove overflowed sewage. The agenda of my comp fell in the water. The other elders threatened to throw the agenda out the window after that lol. Then we had some awesome lessons this week we the Familia Vargas. A less active family and we taught them the importance of temples and covenants. And the spirit was strong when we watched the rome temple video! Also Nehuen, Elunei and Alexander all came to c...

And we in the big city folks

Sorry folks I forgot to write a letter last week but I{ll try to add a little bit of last week in. But I got transferred! It was super funny cause usually you find out on saturday but we had a super awesome conference with Presidente Hoyos so we didn{t find out till sunday. I have never packed so fast in my entire life. Think about this... I packed 2 years of my life in 20 min lol. Then I was alone on a bus for 3 hours. That was weird lol. Then I swear everyone from my zone was transferred so we were all the bus together. Oh and get this! I got whitewashed again!! LET{S GET IT! My new comp is Elder Perez from Peru and man he talks fast and speaks even less english. LOVE IT! Oh and I am in Barrio Heller in Neuquen, Neuquen. From pueblito to Ciudad and I have never been so lost lol. And the pension we are in is with the Lideres de Zona. Entonces with 4 elders we have a pension rey cheto! Ok I this week was super awesome! We found so many new people to teach! And my companion is so awesom...

Wow I am getting bad at writing

This week let us see... Well we had intercambios which was awesome! I did splits with Elder Pederson! We found some super awesome people. One dude was riding his bike and stopped us. His name is Ariel and man is he dope! When we passed by later in the week we played some chess and he told me a half marathon was short lol. And he came to church so we are like best buds lol. Then we had an awesome Noche de Hogar with the Familia Romero! We did the sand and rocks example how we need to put the spiritual things first in our lives! IT WAS SO AWESOME! It was funny because we were shoveling sand into a water bottle in the streets. Then we did 2 servicos in 1 day with the same person! Lorena and then we got to meet her husband! We taught him the restoration and the spirit was so strong during the lesson! They made us dinner but it was already 10 o{clock so they had to drive us home lol. At church the Hermano Gonzalez who just finished his mission bore his testimony and it was one of the most p...