MERRY Christmas and Happy BIRTHDAY to the one and only Eliza Bennett!! What a stud! Well this week was pretty fire! We were visiting la Familia Castillo a lot this week and we had a noche de hogar with them on Monday! It was so fun! We played a game where you make animal sounds and you have to figure out who is making the sound. And we all walked out of there and just noticed that a light had been brought into their lives thanks to the gospel. It has been so amazing to see their journey! Then we had zone/mission conference this week and we had a competition to see who could touch their car first and get back to the call and well we live on the third story of an apartment building but that did not stop us from trying! And Sister Ensign shared a christmas story and it was beautiful how when we make the effort to serve others we can touch people's lives in unimaginable ways! Christmas Eve and Christmas were super chill. We did get to teach a lesson to Betty which was awesome an...