First snow fall

So yeah you heard it hear first first snow fall from Ohio! That was awesome! It was like nothing but it was snow!

Now on to the week. Let's see what happened this week...more running of course. My new comp was just as weirded out about how much I like to run as my old ones lol. Then he likes how many vegetables I eat lol. Also made super bars and they were so good!! And then we got to go to church this week and we got Nayelli and Yuvanna there! They have a fecha bautismal para el 28 de noviembre!! Pray for their whole family so we can help them all get to church. And got to bless the sacrament which is always the best! Then even with the ups and downs the scriptures always bring me peace! Love those guys I reccomend reading them. And I got to give a training in district council on how to use scriptures during lessons. I used the ICEBERG OF SUCCESS which I think you have heard of lol. Then we got to visit Antonia y Ester esta semana y son capos! Also this rama is so awesome they are all so willing to work in the Obra. I should've brought my alpha smart cause my sister was right I am not good at expounding upon my words. Also my comp Elder Mitchell served in Chile and we compare the vocab and food of Argentina and Chile (CASTELLANO ES LO MEJOR IDIOMA!) 

One thing I do remember is my studies though so get ready. Everyone read Safety for the Soul (Oct. 2009) by Jeffrey R. Holland and in my district council I talked about studying comes first before we can preach. The Book of Mormon is truly a guide and as we feast upon the words of christ we will change and these changes are powerfully and life changing. Learn it! Live it! Love it! It testifies of Christ and he is everything!

Love you all Chiefs and Studs 


1 - Some nice Mochi from the Asian market

2 - the first snowfall!

3 - this is my friend his name is Gur
