I'm a 2 area type of guy

What a wild week and yet somehow I still don't know what to write about but here we go..

So this week we had two awesome lessons with the one and only Rick (i still haven't seen his face though lol) but we got members in on both calls which was so awesome! And let me tell you if you are a Brother Brown you are a spiritual giant (not sure why lol) and they both hyped up Rick for conference! Which was awesome! 

And then both my comps left to Chile so I am with the Montgomery Elders for a week and a half and we are going to cover two areas! It has been pretty fun. Elder Hague and Elder Jones are beasts! And they are teaching some awesome people and then Elder Hague isn't a spanish Elder so he had some fun at the spanish lessons lol. 

Then conference was awesome! There were so many awesome talks! But some of my favorite themes were everything that happens in life is an opportunity to grow.

We are not defined by challenges, or mistakes, but we are all Children of God and must help everyone in whatever struggles they are in. I also loved Russel M. Nelson's talk on faith! What a stud am I right! Faith is grown, it takes work, and it takes a believing heart. I know Christ can change us. He loves us and only wants the best for us. Also Henry B. Eyring's talk about the temple! The temple is such a wonderful place! Do what you can to be ready for when it opens!

I love you all so much and if there is every anything I can do for you let me know 

