Last Christmas
Yeah that is right I won´t let this song die. Last Christmas I gave you my heart and the very next day you gave it away. This year to save me from tears I´ll give it to someone special (special)
I recommend the Ariana Grande version
It has been a busy week so it is Jueves (Thursday) and I am finally writing. But Pday was awesome! I got to run 4.5 miles and I was still able to do it in sub 7 min miles YEET! Then we ate so many alfajores but it was totally worth it. Played like 2 hours of PIG with Juan and Mika and we taught Juan the phrase “This is for you Babe.” We showed them the church which was super cool. After, we saw Pablo and went and played volleyball with him and his friends in the Street. Then we taught them all a lesson! It was super cool!
Tuesday let’s see what happened…We shared light the world with Rocio, Gustavo and Teresa. I invited everyone to participate in Ilumina el Mundo! It is so cool and can really bring the light of Christ to everyone. We made our “Viaje a Hawaii “tickets for our Capilla Abierta. It is muy chistoso when we tell people “We are going to Hawaii!” In the afternoon we played basketball with Pablo and Gustavo. Everyone is very impressed with my dribble skills here. Then we showed Pablo the church to help him feel more comfortable in coming on Sundays. And finally an awesome lesson with Giovanna! We taught her the Plan of Salvation and she has super profound questions. There was a lot of wind and my skinny little arms got quite cold during the lessonJ But when I started to testify of the truthfulness of this gospel, I felt all warm in inside.
Wed-nes-day. We received an awesome message from Mika saying she wants to learn more about the church!! So exciting! Then we visited all the members in Choele today to give them their tickets to HAWAII! A lot of contacting today so YEET! And we taught Mika and Juan ingles. They gave us Icecream alfajores and I ate 4! It felt good in the momento but not at night…Then we had an awesome practice with Lisandro! He taught us how to really bring the spirit and the enthusiasm of the work to the members. James 5:19-20 is the scripture he shared for us. Helping people come unto Christ is one of the best feelings ever!!
Thursday we are all caught up. The alfajores hit me and Elder Wood real hard at night lol. Then I was a wee bit tired today but just gotta keep grinding! We taught about Abinadi to some members today! He is so cool! I like Mosiah 13:5 when it says he has the same brightness as when Moses was speaking to the Lord! He was testifying with so much power and so much faith! Then during comp study we watched the birth of Jesus Christ video! If you guys haven’t watched it go watch it! It is so powerful! We also made a palm tree and some coconuts for HAWAII! After the capilla abierta we are going to use it for our Christmas Tree. We got to teach Mika today! She felt the spirit so strong when we told her of the Book of Mormon. LOVE THE WORK! Then we taught Miguel, super cool guy, and we are going to help him quit smoking! The góspel truly has the power to change lives. Then we taught Giovanna again! We taught her the Plan of Salvation and then invited her to be baptized and she said yes!! Yes! When you are tired, just keep working cause that is when you really grow.
Wow I was dead this morning but We Always Grinding! We printed more tickets to Hawaii! Then we made another palm tree and a cute Little sun. In the afternoon we were with Mika and Juan forever. First we taught Mika the Plan de Salvation and she asked about baptism!! She has got to get married first but YEET! Then they gave us free ice cream and we taught more english! After we just contacted for awhile and we met these people from Lamarque. We taught them about why we are here. Then they said to come back in 2 years and date them lol. Finally we went to the capilla for a Noche De Hogar with Rocio and Gustavo. We shared with them Mosiah 17 about Abinadi. Abinadi is a beast!
Today I ran! I just ran back and forth in front of our pension for 20 minutes and I loved it! Then today we just talked with everyone we passed by. Also bought some more materials for HAWAII!! Helped Hermana Torres with some stuff for the primary program too. Practiced some good ol piano and in the afternoon we printed off photos for all the members. It is our christmas present to all of them. Then we had another practice with Lisandro! We practiced inspired questions. Which are also simply intelligent and questions that make you reflect a little. Just keep it simple and teach what you know to be true.
Sunday…got two people to church! Gio and Mika! They both loved it! And me and Elder Wood helped in the primary program. Yeah that’s right I got to go back to the primary (YEET DAB WHIP NAE NAE) After took pictures with everyone and I mean everyone lol. Then planned our week. We are gonna just work till we drop. Then really just visiting a couple people and then a lesson with Giovanna! We talked about literally everything from the Word of Wisdom to profecías en Revelations. Wild, am I right!
Spiritual Thought: The primary program was awesome! You learn that simple and short testimonies are the best! God loves us, Jesus love us, and we are all children of God! Juan 3:16
1 - Some of our favorite members
2 - Lisandro!!! \
3 - Our palm tree
4 - Just smiling after a good run
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